Arthur Jugnot married an actress from Plus belle la vie, photo of the secret ceremony!

Discreet for years about their feelings, the lovebirds have moved up a gear! On Saturday June 25, 2022, Arthur Jugnot married, in the greatest discretion, his partner Flavie Péan. Neither has raised the subject publicly. Fortunately, one of the guests shared a photograph of the couple, on social networks, in wedding attire, at the exit of the town hall. It is a colleague and friend, the actor and agent Julien Personnaz.

Arthur Jugnot and Flavie Péan have never openly expressed themselves about their couple. They have known each other, however, at least since 2014. In addition to the weddings they attended together, the evenings with friends, the holidays spent not far from each other, these two have given each other several the response to the theatre. They played, hand in hand, in Father or Sonin Left when exiting the elevatorand they even wrote a four-handed piece called Saint-Exupéry – The Mystery of the Aviator. Joint projects, they were obviously full of them!

We have always managed to act in the best interest of our child.

Before flourishing with the heroine of More beautiful life – Flavie Péan embodied, on France 3, Victoire Lissajoux then Mathilde Vasquez – Arthur Jugnot loved, tenderly, the singer Cécilia Cara. The two artists had, together, a son baptized Célestin, and it is in particular for him that they remained in excellent terms. “We have always managed to act in the best interest of our child.“, she explained toParis here. It was Cécilia, moreover, who had announced their breakup with a little delay, in 2020, when they had been separated, in reality, for already 5 years. “Few people know this, but I’m separated from Arthur. It’s been some time now“, she confided to Paris here. If the good understanding is still de rigueur between them, we do not know, on the other hand, if she was part of the list of wedding guests, this Saturday, June 25, 2022…

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