Arthur, emotional dad: his daughter Manava (6 years old) honored at school, a great photo moment

It is a happy dad who therefore closes this week, his gaze surely full of emotion and tenderness, thinking back to the year that has just passed. For Arthur, children are sacred. Several days ago, he also made very rare confidences about his relationship with his three toddlers at the microphone of AirZen Radio in the company of Julie Obispo: “I am a father, my anxieties are linked to my children, to the world we are going to leave them. When I come home, I make stupid jokes to my children, all the time. […] My passion is reading Carambar jokes to my 7-year-old daughter who looks at me like an alien, telling her bedtime stories that don’t make sense or end up in space. That’s my thing!

No matter what choices they make in their lives, Arthur assured that he would always be there no matter what: “I would like them to have the flame, where me at the time it was called the niaque. […] I don’t know anyone around me who has done the job his parents wanted him to do. My parents wanted me to be an accountant, it failed. […] I don’t want to impose on my children what they are going to do later, but I want them to do it well and be happy to do it. […] Whatever they do, they must do it with desire and passion.” The most beautiful statement he could make to them.

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