Arthur dad hen and “anguished” with his three children, confessions without filter

Among parents, there are those who love to reveal the faces of their children and there are others. Those who remain more mysterious out of a desire to protect their offspring, like Arthur. The star host of TF1 is the father of three children: Samuel, 25, born of a first relationship with Léa Vigny, Aaron, 12, whose mother is none other than the Danish model Caroline Nielsen and Manava, the daughter that he had with the former Miss France Mareva Galanter who shares, to this day, still his life.

If they sometimes post them on social networks, taking care not to reveal their faces, Arthur is not the type to let go of the ballast on the confidences about his daily life with his children. But he recently made an exception on AirZen Radio. In the program presented by Julie Obispo, Jacques Essebag, his real name, confided like never before about his life at home, with his family. His true source of happiness but also of concern: “I am a father, my anxieties are linked to my children, to the world we are going to leave them” he indicated.

Despite everything, Arthur tries not to think about the negative and to enjoy every moment: “When I come home, I make stupid jokes to my children, all the time. […] My passion is reading Carambar jokes to my 7-year-old daughter who looks at me like an alien, telling her bedtime stories that don’t make sense or end up in space. That’s my thing!

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