Arson in a business in Kirkland

A commercial building was the target of an arson attack overnight from Sunday to Monday in Kirkland, in the west island of Montreal.

Firefighters requested assistance from the Montreal police for a fire that broke out shortly after 2 a.m. in a business on the Trans-Canada Highway, near Edmond Street.

When the police arrived on the scene, the firefighters had already brought the flames under control, but located an incendiary object inside the business which caused minor damage.

The investigation was transferred to the arson section of the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) to try to determine the circumstances of this event.

For the moment, no arrests have been made at this stage of the investigation, which is still ongoing, said SPVM spokesperson Jeanne Drouin.

This is the third fire recorded in the space of 4 hours, after the fire declared in a residential and commercial building in Ahuntsic and another in a residence in Pierrefonds.

source site-64