Arsène, a Tarbaise with an Andalusian voice

La Nouvelle Scène de France Bleu is stopping off with one of the beautiful voices from Tarbes with Arsène. Under this name hides a young girl and her many influences. Andalusian by his parents, rock by his adolescence, tinged with French songs à la Brassens or Piaf by his first musical loves.
It is all this wealth that makes Arsène talented. Accompanied by Vince on guitar and vocals, she bewitches, she intoxicates and she sings worked and hard-hitting words. Musical walks through his thoughts and desires that will not leave you indifferent.
After the Conservatory of Tarbes since she was 9 years old, after the small stages, the village festivals and the bars, after the accompaniment by the teams of the current music scene of La Gespe, she signed the first parts including Boulevard des Airs . From now on, it is in duo that she assumes her words, her songs for the happiness of her ever-growing audience.

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