Arsenal confirm their sparkling start to the season against Tottenham

During the London derby, the Gunners easily took over the Spurs (3-1) on Saturday and consolidated their first place in the standings.

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A clear victory, and a confirmed first place. In the London derby, the Arsenal players easily dominated Tottenham (3-1), in their garden at the Emirates Stadium, on Saturday October 1. With this seventh victory – for a single defeat, at Manchester United – the Gunners confirm their sparkling start to the season. They are guaranteed to be at the top of the Premier League standings at the end of this 9th day. For its part, Tottenham, also author of a good start (five wins, two draws), concedes its first defeat.

With 21 points, the Gunners relegate their opponents of the day (3rd), four lengths, just like Manchester City, who will experience their first big test of the season with a home derby against United on Sunday. Arsenal have not known the Top 4 at the end of the season since the 2015-2016 edition.

On Saturday, Arsenal proved that it could also be up to the task against the “big guys”. Apart from the ten minutes following Harry Kane’s penalty equalizer (31st), Mikel Arteta’s players mastered their subject and dominated their opponents (65% possession). With an impressively solid William Saliba in the middle, the Gunners conceded very few chances against the second attack of the championship before this match.

Thomas Partey opened the scoring in the 20th minute, 23 meters from goal (and without control), before rookie Gabriel Jesus revived his teammates shortly after the break (49th), taking advantage of a blunder from the Blues goalkeeper , Hugo Lloris. The expulsion of Emerson for a sole complicated the task of Spurs and facilitated that of the Gunners, who increased the score, thanks to Granit Xhaka (67th). In eight days, Arsenal will have the opportunity to confirm their new status by receiving Liverpool, vice-champion of the previous year.

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