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One of the most important convoys of the “freedom convoys” regrouped at the beginning of the evening, Friday February 11, in Troyes (Aube). Journalist Madjid Khiat is present on site.
What is the objective of the participants in the freedom convoys on Friday, February 11? “This convoy from the Southeast is regrouping, the vehicles have arrived gradually and the departure here is scheduled for 9 p.m. We are told, on the side of the organizers (…) perhaps this convoy will go to Fontainebleau, so as not to oppose the police head-on”reports journalist Madjid Khiat, live from Troyes (Aube).
Some participants of the freedom convoy still want to enter the capital, in order to demonstrate. “They guarantee us that they do not wish to block the capital this evening”, continues the journalist. The France Télévisons teams will carefully follow the actions of the movement in the coming hours.