This is the same far-right website that published a list of lawyers “to be eliminated.”
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“On July 1, 2024, the far-right site ‘Free Network’the one who calls for the elimination of several lawyers, publishes this text threatening me with death with these words: ‘The suitcase or the coffin for Nassira El Moaddem'”, wrote the journalist who presents the program Arrêt sur images, broadcast on the Internet, on Thursday July 4.
On July 1, 2024, the far-right site “Réseau Libre”, the one that calls for the elimination of several lawyers, published this text threatening me with death with these words: “The suitcase or the coffin for Nassira El Moaddem”.
— Nassira El Moaddem (@NassiraELM) July 4, 2024
This site targets her by name, accusing her of having written on her X account, “12 million voters for the extreme right. I confirm: country of degenerate racists”after the results of the first round of legislative elections.
The far-right website “Réseau libre” published an article on Wednesday, July 3, listing around a hundred lawyers “to be eliminated” qualified as “rot” for having signed a column in Marianne the day before, against the National Rally. “To be sent to a ditch or to a stadium, these lawyers already declare that they do not respect the verdict of the ballot boxes in the event of a RN victory”threatens Free Network. The Paris Bar Association “deeply shocked” announced that he had contacted the public prosecutor.
At the beginning of May, the journalist Nassira El Moaddem had already been targeted by an online campaign of hate and harassment from the far right and initiated by a National Rally MP after he described France as “country of degenerate racists” on social networks.