Arrested in the middle of the vaccine operation: this soldier guilty of sex crimes against a 13-year-old teenager

A soldier arrested while deployed in a vaccine operation has just pleaded guilty to charges relating to a series of sex crimes against a 13-year-old teenager he met on a photo-sharing application popular with young people.

• Read also: Sexual assault: arrested in full operation vaccines

“When [la victime] told her she was 13, he replied that he was comfortable with it. He told her that he wanted to strangle her, that he was begging her [d’avoir des relations sexuelles]“, summed up M.e Jérôme Laflamme of the Crown, while Alexandre Matheussen pleaded guilty this Monday at the Montreal courthouse.

Standing straight in front of the judge, the 21-year-old soldier remained unmoved as he listened to the prosecutor recount how he had managed to lure a young teenager he met on Snapchat in 2020.

As in many cases of computer luring, Matheussen had approached his victim by talking about everything and nothing. But quickly, the conversations took a sexual turn, with raw and explicit conversations.

“The complainant explained [lui avoir parlé] because he was older and she needed attention,” Crown explained.


In front of the mother

However, if Matheussen had to know that having sexual relations with a young minor was illegal, he still chose to go and meet her to try to reconcile.

“At the second meeting, he will even meet the mother [de la victime] with whom he spoke a few minutes before leaving with [la plaignante]“, recounted the Crown.

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It was this time that the soldier tried to have full sex with the teenager, who had to invent a rape story to get him arrested. That hadn’t stopped Matheussen from making other sexual gestures, until he was satisfied.

The accused saw the victim twice, during which he sexually assaulted the teenager.

“He was insistent, he wanted full relations, even if she said no,” Crown said, adding that on one occasion Matheussen pulled the girl’s hair.

The complainant realized that the soldier only wanted sexual favors and that she was being manipulated, so she filed a complaint with the police.

Not the only one

Matheussen, who was deployed to a COVID-19 vaccination center, was arrested at his workplace. He then confessed everything.

“He wanted to plead guilty for a long time,” assured his lawyer Me Michael Morena, after his client acknowledged sexual touching, incitement to sexual touching, as well as computer luring.

He will return to court during the summer, for the arguments on the sentence to be imposed on him. The soldier will not have finished with justice, however, since he was accused at the beginning of the year of sexual assault on an adult woman, in the Quebec region. This crime would have occurred in May 2021, before he began to attack the teenager.

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