Arrested in Iran in 2019, the Franco-Iranian researcher Fariba Adelkhah is released from prison

“France is delighted with the release of Fariba Adelkhah, who was unjustly detained in Iran in Evin prison”, writes the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Franco-Iranian researcher Fariba Adelkhah, arrested in Iran in June 2019 and then sentenced to five years in prison for undermining national security, has been released from prison, the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs announced on Friday February 10. “France welcomes the release this evening of Fariba Adelkhah, researcher at the Center for International Research (CERI) of Sciences Po, who was unjustly detained in Iran in Evin prison”can we read in a press release. “It is essential that Fariba Adelkhah can recover all of her freedoms, including that of returning to France if she wishes”adds the ministry.

“It is with happiness and relief that we announce the release of our dear colleague Fariba Adelkhah, arbitrarily detained in Iran for more than 3 years”reacted Sciences Po on Twitter.

Dozens of Westerners are detained in Iran, described by their supporters as innocent people used by Tehran as bargaining levers. Iran, under international sanctions, and the major powers are trying to revive an international agreement concluded in 2015 which guarantees the civilian nature of Tehran’s nuclear program, accused, despite its denials, of seeking to acquire atomic weapons. Countries like France, seven of whose nationals were previously detained in Iran, no longer hesitate to accuse Tehran of making “State hostages”.

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