A threatening message was sent to the digital workspace (ENT) of educational establishments, to which students, teachers and parents have access.
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Several high schools in Ile-de-France have been targeted by threats of explosive attacks, franceinfo learned on Thursday March 21 from consistent sources. There Ile-de-France region evokes “the creation of a fraudulent site aimed at hacking” the digital workspace (ENT) of educational establishments, to which students, teachers and parents have access. “[Après] this hacking, fraudulent emails were sent to high school students in Ile-de-France with threats of Islamist attack”, continues the region. She adds that“udon’t be twenty” establishments are concerned, “at this stage”.
“Several doubts have already been resolved” Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, according to the Ministry of National Education, and “Specialized investigation services are mobilized (…) to identify the perpetrator(s). The Ile-de-France region announces that it has filed a complaint with the anti-cybercrime section of the Paris public prosecutor’s office. For the moment, access to the ENT of Ile-de-France has been “fully suspended”assures the region.
In Yvelines, where eight establishments were targeted, the Versailles academy told franceinfo that it had “activated a crisis unit to support school leaders and staff, sometimes in direct contact with the families who received the message”. “Classes were able to resume this morning in certain establishments after doubts were resolved” carried out Wednesday evening.