Mud, pebbles and dozens of tree trunks uprooted. In the Blue Cedars Park, the developer Icade, who bought the land from a religious congregation several years ago, has taken action. The site is in progress, the trees are falling one behind the other. Here there will soon be a around fifty units. “These are not social housing. It is a pure and hard real estate transaction: 100 m2 is 900 thousand euros!“protested Jean-Luc Le Corre of the Association for the Defense of the Ria de Pornic, torn between desolation and anger at the sight of this spectacle.
– Helene roussel
A few meters from the beach, on this boulevard de l’Océan, there are in total close to 5 thousand m2 of wooded areas which disappeared in a few years. “At a time of global warming, all the rules for the preservation of the coastline, it is difficult to understand “ breaths Jean-Luc Le Corre who, half-heartedly, accuses the town hall of Pornic of handing out building permits and of lacking precautions.
Between the preservation of the coast and the massive arrival of new inhabitants
the mayor from Pornic, Jean-Michel Brad, defends himself: “the old Local Urban Plan was, it is true, very permissive. We will be less so next year with the new one that must be voted on and where it is a question of classifying 500 trees throughout the town “. The mayor who also admits to being stuck between certainly, the coastal preservation, but also the massive arrival of new inhabitants that it is necessary to accommodate well and the rights of private owners. “The power of the chosen one cannot be extended, we have done everything we can to reduce the Icade project to a minimum“. Result: a building limited to 2 floors, “it’s already a lesser evil“Jean-Luc Le Corre, he remains skeptical. “I’m not against building, that’s not it. But we could be careful.”.