A crucial match this Sunday for the UBB, and support and encouragement on Friday 10 June. A hundred supporters came to attend the training open to the public at the CEVA Campus in Bègles.
From the podium, Antoine and their friends unfurled a banner at the start of the session. “We are not going to Nice without you” could we read on this one. Reference to the Top 14 semi-finals which will take place on the Côte d’Azur. A little wink greeted by the players and Christophe Urios at the end of training.
– Valentin Larquier
“We have reserved our places with the United BB for the semi-finals, and we will make the trip in the event of a victory against Racing, explains Antoine, banner in hand. We are perhaps more ready than the players! buy some smoke for the game and make another banner.”
“I made a note in my notebook”
Some like Titouan, a student, was ready to do anything to attend training on Friday morning: “I made a note in my notebook saying that I had an appointment with the doctor to be able to attend training” he assures.
The training session lasted over an hour. The players thanked the supporters for their presence at the end.