Arnaud Montebourg wants to block private money transfers to countries refusing to repatriate illegals

“I am determined to type in the wallet.” The presidential candidate Arnaud Montebourg announced on Sunday November 7 in the program “Le Grand Jury LCI / RTL /Le Figaro”, want to block private money transfers to countries that refuse to repatriate their nationals targeted by an expulsion measure from French territory. “Why do we not manage to integrate? Today you have 100,000 measures of obligation weighing on people who have to leave the territory that we cannot execute. These people are there and are also often there. delinquents “, he said.

By what means ? “There are 11 billion money transfers that go through Western Union on all countries of origin. We block all transfers as long as there is no reception of cooperation, he said. These private money transfers are a windfall for these countries and today we need to say: enough is enough. “

“For me visa deprivation does not work.”

Arnaud Montebourg

in “Le Grand Jury LCI / RTL / Le Figaro”

France recently announced the reduction in the number of visas granted to Algerians, Moroccans and Tunisians to put pressure on their governments, deemed uncooperative on the readmission of North Africans expelled from France.

This proposal by the former socialist minister has been widely criticized on the left, some accusing him of taking up themes from the far right. “Do not pass on this murky ground”, urged the leader of La France insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon, adding on Twitter : “The Montebourg / Zemmour joint proposal against wage transfers to families in countries of origin will increase the causes of emigration. Cruel, unfair, stupid.”

“Arnaud, come back with us! On the left, leaving the studio”, underlined the ecologist Sandrine Rousseau.

The polemicist Eric Zemmour, for his part, quipped: “Out of ideas, Montebourg watched in replay the videos of my YouTube channel. Bravo Arnaud!”. The former Minister of the Economy and Productive Recovery was also scourged on social networks for declaring that “Charles Aznavour and Zinédine, they became great French but before, they were immigrants”. Problem, the first was born in Paris and the second in Marseille. “There will be an Arnaud Montebourg newsletter in April” in the presidential election, finally promised the candidate, while his candidacy is credited between 2 and 4% of the vote intentions.

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