Arnaud Ducret married Claire Francisci! The divine dancer in her mermaid dress

This is a weekend of which Arnaud Ducret will long remember. The 43-year-old actor had the great pleasure of to marry to the beautiful dancer and pole dance teacher, Claire Francisci. Four years after their love at first sight, the lovers made their relationship as official as possible during a ceremony in the open air organized in Provence on the day of Saturday May 28, 2022.

Indeed, as evidenced by the first photos that abound on Instagram, the couple has set sail for a natural and green setting to declare their love. A dream place which is of course kept secret. But, on the other hand, a panel of well-known personalities was able to take advantage of it. Arthur, Ophélie Meunier and her husband Mathieu Vergne, Cartman, Denitsa Ikonomova, Michael Youn and many others had the chance to attend the wedding of their friends. For the occasion, Arnaud Ducret and Claire have pulled out all the stops and have something to impress them. The movie star Divorce Club showed off in a crisp black suit with a white shirt and bow tie. As for the pretty blonde, she played the glamor card in a magnificent mermaid and strapless wedding dress, with lace finishes. She is also provided with a long and transparent veil placed like a cape on her shoulders. (See our slideshow).

Arnaud Ducret and Claire Francisci actually got married almost a year ago, on July 3, 2021 to be exact. The happy event had at that time taken place at Mont-Saint-Michel. The spouses have been a couple since 2018, shortly after Arnaud Ducret formalized his breakup with his ex-wife Maurine Nicot, with whom he had a son Oscar (9 years old). Claire is also a mother and had three children, triplets (Angélique, Florian and Léo, now 16 years old). On the other hand, there is no question for them of expanding their already well-rounded clan. “We already have ours. We are self-sufficient. We don’t need it to seal our relationship, we’re fine like this“, they explained in an interview with the magazine Gala.

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