Army pauses bombing of Gaza



Video duration:
2 min

War between Hamas and Israel: the army takes pauses in its bombardments of Gaza

Thursday, November 9, Israel still refuses any ceasefire. But the army claims to pause in its bombardments of Gaza, every day for 4 hours, in order to allow the populations of the north of the enclave to flee towards the south. But many residents of this area refuse to leave, despite the risks. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – M. Burgot, R. Abu Jamus, E. Noël

France Televisions

Thursday, November 9, Israel still refuses any ceasefire. But the army claims to pause in its bombardments of Gaza, every day for 4 hours, in order to allow the populations of the north of the enclave to flee towards the south. But many residents of this area refuse to leave, despite the risks.

Gaza city, crushed by bombings. And in this Dantesque setting, civilians in single file. With white flags and makeshift bundles, they leave the city via a humanitarian corridor. The Israeli army is on the lookout, according to it, members of Hamas could join the civilians. Terrorists reportedly seek to move Israeli hostages south.

“A question of dignity”

Further afield, thousands of Palestinians are on the road to exile towards the south. But even on the evacuation corridor, the bombings are very close. “There were tanks everywhere and shooting non-stop. I was afraid of getting killed by a stray bullet“, testifies a father, his child in his arms. Others choose to stay in Gaza city, this is the case of Romi Abu Jamus, Palestinian journalist. “Perhaps it is the most difficult decision I have made in my life, to stay, my wife and my son with me. For me, it’s a question of dignity. Either we want to die with dignity, or it’s humiliation“, he explains.

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