On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, September 8, firefighters intervened to put out a fire of criminal origin in the Maison pour tous in the Fontbarlettes district, classified as a priority security zone. Since then, the town hall of Valence and the prefecture of Drôme have called each other by press releases.
The mayor of Valence Nicolas Daragon condemns a criminal act too “scandalous and unjustifiable”. An act which, he said at the microphone of France bleu Drôme Ardèche, would not have happened if the staff within the national police was sufficient: “I must say that the police are making an effort, but I must say that the means granted to the national police which has jurisdiction over this territory are insufficient.”
I expect the government to assume. Everywhere we have neighborhoods that are adrift. – the mayor of Valence, Nicolas Daragon
Response from the Drôme prefecture in a press release: “the priority security zone (ZSP) which covers the districts of Plan and Fontbarlettes is the subject of permanent attention by the services of the State both in the field of daily safety and the fight against trafficking and in terms of city policy and urban renewal.” The prefecture recalls that 56 anti-narcotics procedures were carried out in Valence, including 30 in the ZSP.
The municipality not convinced by the answer
This Saturday, September 10, it is the turn of Pierre-Olivier Mahaux, Deputy Mayor in charge of security to express himself by communicating: _“We would much rather see the state acting effectively, on the ground, than reacting_, backed by statistical data totally disconnected from reality. It is up to him to do what is necessary to obtain additional resources and police reinforcements in the face of the emergency, rather than confining himself to reassuring himself or trying to reassure us.
In the meantime, the time of the restoration of the House for all, the employees work from the Bonzon site but do not welcome the public.