Armenia refuses to host Russian military exercises in 2023

Armenia announced on Tuesday that it would refuse to host military maneuvers by a Russian-led alliance in 2023, amid dissatisfaction with Moscow over the blocking of a vital axis for supplying the enclave of Nagorny Karabakh. .

This announcement comes as Armenia has multiplied the signs of irritation towards its Russian ally, whom it accuses of not acting in the face of Azerbaijan’s “provocations” around Karabakh, where Moscow, currently entangled in its offensive in Ukraine, however, has deployed a peacekeeping force.

“Armenia does not consider it expedient to conduct Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) exercises this year […] These exercises will not take place,” Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian said at a press conference.

According to Mr. Pashinian, Yerevan has already informed the leadership of this military alliance led by Moscow and which brings together several former Soviet republics.

He notably criticized the CSTO for having “refused to condemn the actions of Azerbaijan” and Russia for not playing its role of “guarantor of security” for Armenia.

“Armenia expected specific actions from Russian partners and other partners in the field of security. But it was said in Yerevan that the borders of Armenia and Azerbaijan were not delimited”, reproached Mr. Pashinian again.

Yerevan notably accuses Russian peacekeepers present in Nagorny Karabakh of inaction, while Azerbaijanis have been blocking the Lachin corridor for several weeks, a vital axis for supplying this disputed enclave between the two countries.

“The Russian peacekeeping contingent must ensure the normal functioning of the Lachin corridor,” Pashinyan insisted on Tuesday.

“If it suddenly turns out that Russia cannot fulfill its obligations […]it must go to the UN,” he added.

Yerevan also criticizes Moscow for not having played its role of mediator during violent clashes on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan in September, when Yerevan had asked for help from the CSTO of which it is a member.

Asked about the criticisms of Mr. Pashinian, the Kremlin played the appeasement by affirming that “Armenia is a very close ally” with whom Russia will “continue the dialogue, including on delicate subjects”.

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