Armed conflicts, what is the daily life of children?

Whether in Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan or elsewhere, war is the daily life of children, victims of these armed conflicts. This is the subject of a meeting of the UN Security Council this Wednesday, June 26.


Reading time: 7 min

Franceinfo junior is interested in child victims of war. Baptiste Chapuis, head of the advocacy and international programs department at Unicef ​​France, the United Nations agency which defends children and their rights, responds to CM1-CM2 students from the Gustave Rouanet school in Paris.

The first question is asked by Yacouba: “How do children go to school when there is war?”

Hadia is interested in the daily life of children during the war: “How do children go about their daily lives, for example, do they play or brush their teeth?”

“How do children survive” for example to eat, questions Yacouba again.

Said wants to know why there are children who fight in wars.

On this page, listen again to this Franceinfo junior program on children caught up in the war.

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