Armed assault in Montreal North | A first suspect arrested by the SPVM

Montreal police arrested a 17-year-old suspect on Wednesday in connection with the armed assault of a 16-year-old teenager on Monday evening near Calixa-Lavallée high school. , in the borough of Montréal-Nord.

According to the first information transmitted by the SPVM, the first suspect arrested “is not a student of the school”. His appearance before a judge of the Youth Court is scheduled for Thursday early in the day.

According to agent Véronique Dubuc, spokesperson for the Montreal police, “the investigation is progressing well and other arrests are to come” in this case.

The assault occurred late Monday afternoon. The victim, seriously injured in the upper body, had been found conscious, but his condition seemed to have deteriorated rapidly to the point where he was considered critical when he was taken to a hospital. His condition then stabilized in the evening.

A conflict at the exit of the classes would be at the origin of this attack. The other assailants, who have not yet been arrested, are also not students of the school. They allegedly used a blunt object to commit their crime, then fled before the police arrived. According to our information, there would be a total of five suspects in this case.

Mme Dubuc recalled Wednesday that the SPVM has implemented “several actions” in the school sector, and works closely with its management. Socio-community agents, community development advisers as well as members of the community consultation and rapprochement team (ECCR) and the multidisciplinary intervention team in schools (EMIE) were dispatched to the site to “reassure the population “.

Anyone with information related to this assault is asked to contact 911. It is also possible to report anonymously and confidentially to Info-Crime Montreal at 514-393-1133 or online.

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