arm in arm… The two stars set the web ablaze with a thunderous announcement!

Vianney is on all fronts! After having chained the concerts to the delight of his fans, the star has also returned for a new season with The Voice. Alongside BigFlo & Oli, Zazie and Amel Bent, the main interested party will certainly struggle to find the rare pearl. At the same time, Edgar’s dad continues to work out of sight in the studio.

On the Web, the interpreter of “Beau-papa” tease constantly his upcoming projects. This Thursday, October 6, 2022, Vianney had the merit of unleashing passions on Instagram. Via his feed, the darling of Catherine Robert relayed an unpublished photo of him in the company of the essential Ed Sheeran. In the past, the two stars have already worked together.

“We have so much in common…”

The latest news, the duo is preparing to satisfy its admirers with a new featuring! “It’s called ‘Call On Me’ & we’ll get it out to you at midnight. See you soon “captioned Vianney under his post, sparked strong reactions. “We wouldn’t even have dared to imagine it in our wildest dreams, and now it’s become reality”, “OMG! So there I can’t sleep, too bad for classes tomorrow”, “Incredible, I can’t wait”, “Olala so excited it’s going to be a real masterpiece”, can we read in the thread of the comments. In any case, the two artists seem to get along wonderfully. Like him, the English singer was quickly conquered by his musical universe.

“I saw Vianney for the first time at the NRJ Music Awards in 2017 where he was singing”, revealed Ed Sheeran for NRJ last year. “I wanted to do something that people wouldn’t have seen before and his name came out and I was really up for it if he agreed to sing with me in French. We made contact, he translated the song perfectly […]. We have so much in common […]. We have the same kind of career, we write songs for other artists […]. He plays the guitar very well […]. He is truly an emblematic artist in France […] ». A nice statement all in all!


to see also: Vianney – after his sad announcement, the singer fell in love with a pretty Tahitian!

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