Arkansas | Three police officers suspended after a violent arrest filmed

(Mulberry) Three Arkansas police officers were suspended on Sunday following the posting of a video on social media showing a violent arrest.

Posted at 9:32 p.m.

In the widely shared video, two Crawford County sheriff’s deputies and a Mulberry town police officer are seen using force against an individual pinned to the ground.

Crawford County Sheriff Jimmy Damante issued a statement late Sunday announcing that his two deputies involved in the incident were suspended pending the investigation which has been turned over to the Arkansas State Police. An internal investigation will also be conducted in parallel by the sheriff’s office.

The Mulberry Police Department officer was also suspended by his employer.

“All of my employees are held accountable for their actions and I will take appropriate action in this matter,” Sheriff Damante said.

Police said police responded to a call about an individual making threatening remarks against an employee of a Mulberry convenience store on Sunday morning. This municipality is located about 220 kilometers northwest of the capital Little Rock.

Also according to the version of the police, the suspect would have pushed a sheriff’s deputy who would have found himself on the ground. The suspect also allegedly punched him behind the head.

It was after this gesture that the officers allegedly used force. On the video, we can only see the suspect already tackled on the ground and the three police officers beating him.

The unidentified suspect was taken to hospital. He should be charged with uttering threats, resisting arrest and possible assault.

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