Ariane Séguillon recounts her bouts of bulimia: “Six baguettes in a row, five camemberts…”

In full promotion of his new book The big which will be published on March 9, 2022, Ariane Séguillon wanted to reveal the sneaky and silent illness from which she suffered for a long time to journalists from TV Star. Sincere, the actress of tomorrow belongs to us says she was affected by bulimia for many years. After taking a step back from her terrible addiction to food, she now understands that this disease hid a mental illness. According to the 53-year-old actress, her pounds allowed her, in a way, to protect herself.

When you eat six baguettes in a row, five camemberts, you can have a heart attack (…) I ate anything. mustard, everything“, she explains to our colleagues from Star TV, still haunted by her bouts of bulimia which could have been fatal to her.

A disease that made her suffer a lot on a daily basis and put her body to the test: “When we weigh more than a hundred kilos, we suffer. The tendons in my ankles couldn’t take it. We are forced to gain momentum to get up in the morning.“Touching, the actress does not hesitate to reveal a traumatic anecdote that has remained etched in her memory, one of the worst shames of her life:”Once in front of people, the chair broke under my weight. It is a terrible humiliation.

First prerogative according to the mother of Dorian (from the Ofenbach group): to see a psychiatrist. It all starts with the mind according to the ex-wife of Jean-Christophe Lauduique (grandson of Guy Lux). “No diet, no operation works if we do not treat ourselves upstream“, she says with great wisdom.

Having taken a step back with these crises and her addiction, she also indicates having met a “extraordinary shrink” which literally saved her life. Tempted by a sleeve (operation consisting of removing part of the stomach), Ariane Séguillon was forbidden by her shrink to resort to this operation until she had completely cured her bulimia. Now cured of this eating disorder, she now hopes to help those who suffer from bulimic crises and obesity.

The full interview with Ariane Séguillon is available in the edition of Star TV, programs from February 26 to March 4, 2022.

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