Argentina: what will the “new era” promised by Javier Milei look like?



The franceinfo Talk looks today at Javier Milei, new president of Argentina, inaugurated on Sunday December 10. Sarah Calamand receives David Copello, associate researcher at CREDA, Maricel Rodriguez Blanco, lecturer in sociology at the Catholic Institute of Paris and Pablo Stefanoni, Argentine journalist and doctor in history.

On the night of Sunday November 19 to Monday November 20, the ultraliberal candidate Javier Milei was elected new president of Argentina, with more than 55% of the votes. The latter, who holds certain far-right positions, won the election against Sergio Massa, his center-left rival.

It’s a historic night for Argentina”, declared the latter, nicknamed the Trump of the Pampas. This former economist defends an ultraconservative lineclimate skeptic, anti-abortion and pro-arms, in an Argentina which is going through currently a dramatic economic crisis.

Anti-system passion and libertarian ideas

The ultraliberal candidate succeeded in convincing Argentine voters to revive the country, currently mired in a economic crisis with 143% inflation. The newly elected president proposes replacing the national currency, the peso, which he calls “excrement”, with the dollar by 2025.

Javier Milei promises “shock treatment” in the country, with a “clearance” policy. The latter wishes to eliminate various ministries, namely that of Education, Health or even the Environment, to reduce the role of the State as much as possible and by privatizing various sectors to revive the economy.

An anti-feminist and climate skeptic program

Among the ministries that the president-elect wants to eliminate, the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversities. Javier Milei embraces his anti-femist beliefs, declaring in May 2022: “I won’t apologize for having a penis”. The latter denies salary inequalities between men and women, opposes abortion which he considers a murder, criticizes sex education in schools considered as a “gender ideology”.

For the ultraliberal president, the global warming is not a consequence of human activity. At the start of the presidential campaign, Javier Milei declared that he “exists, in the history of the Earth, a cycle of temperatures”.

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