are Western weapons indispensable?



Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

M. Burgot, S. Guillemot, B. Bervas, D. Padalka, V. Hryshko – France 2

France Televisions

On Sunday May 14, the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, began a European tour. The Head of State is notably asking Europe for more modern weapons in order to maintain pressure on the Russian army. In Ukraine, the soldiers consider this equipment essential.

In the region of Zaporizhia, Ukraine, Ukrainian soldiers are training for the big offensive. Only they will fight with an old mortar from Soviet times. This is an ageless mechanic for launching 120mm shells. The range is only 6-8 km. The message from the Ukrainian authorities is clear: they need even more modern equipment. This is precisely what President Zelensky came to ask Europe on Sunday 14 May.

Armored vehicles and light tanks

The fighters fear the weariness of Westerners. So they want to make significant inroads early on to keep their support. The material is the key. “We also need armored vehicles so that our soldiers are safer during combat”, said a soldier. The French promise dozens of additional armored vehicles and light tanks, such as AMX-10s. The British have already delivered long-range Storm Shadow missiles. These weapons are necessary to win, for example, the battle of Bakhmout.

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