Are we overwhelmed? | The Journal of Montreal

Current events all over the planet confront us. The daily tragedies that Ukrainians face under the yoke of atrocities emanating from a major industrialized country, Russia. The young delinquents who shoot at point-blank range in Montreal neighborhoods that until now have been spared violence. And what about the effects of climate problems, the pandemic that keeps us on high alert, the vertiginous rise in inflation and its repercussions on our basic consumer products (eg gasoline, food, etc.).

Have we reached the beginning of the end, faced with situations that inevitably lead to our downfall? Of course not, because current events not only confront us, they question us and make us think.

The positive effects

Admittedly, in reality, these situations make us feel insecure and undermine our confidence. But these negative effects do not outweigh the potential benefits that we can derive from it if we are sufficiently awake to seize all the opportunities.

Let’s never forget that in every crisis (both personal and global), there is an opportunity for change. Deep changes in mentality that involve new awareness. In fact, all current events point us towards change, because they lead us to expand our consciousness and take a stand.

We all collectively realize that the barbarity of the Russian state is retrograde and no longer has a place in the 2000s. We also realize that poverty, under-education and racism can generate all this violent rage of young people in the street.

Time to make real changes

We also note that our raw resources are not inexhaustible and that the laws of the market are far from meeting human needs. However, this is why we have to reduce our consumption and make eco-responsible choices by focusing on the local economy. We also realize the importance of looking after the mental health of our young people if we want to curb their violent acts.

In short, everything brings us back to questioning ourselves and adopting a healthier way of life, a life at a more human level centered on the essentials; recognition of our real needs and respect for the people around us.

We must also continue to be indignant loud and clear at all the inconsistencies that we observe and not stop highlighting them, while trying to understand the real causes of these major upheavals. Thus, our actions will be much better oriented and will lead to real changes.

COVID-19 Quarantine mental health.  Woman self isolated at home pensive looking out of high rise building window at city skyline thinking of relationship, employment, coronavirus.  Panoramic banner.

Frankie Berneche, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology Trois-Rivières

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