are there “fewer and fewer French people who say they have a television set”, as Gabriel Attal asserts?

While the purchasing power law providing, among other things, for the abolition of the audiovisual license fee is currently being debated in the Assembly, the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, ensures that the number of households equipped with a television has been decreasing “for years “. It’s true, but more than 90% of homes still have them. The decryption of the “True from False” cell.

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The Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, questioned on Tuesday July 19 on franceinfo said to himself “ready“to look at the track of an assignment of a part of the VAT to compensate for the abolition of the audiovisual royalty.

>> The article to read to understand the debate on the abolition of the audiovisual license fee

The government has indeed included the abolition of this tax in its bill on purchasing power currently being examined by Parliament. Paid by households who say they have a television, the fee amounts to 138 euros per year and should bring in 3.2 billion euros this year. But Gabriel Attal believes that this tax is “unfair“and above all, that it is no longer suitable. “It’s a tax that is dated, since the French pay it who say they have a television at home. And for years you have had fewer and fewer French people who say they have a television”, argued the Minister.

Surveys conducted by Arcom, the new audiovisual policeman, in partnership with the Observatory of audiovisual household equipment, show that there is a drop in the number of households declaring that they own a television. This decline has been underway for ten years, but Arcom describes a decline “light and continuous”. And for good reason, more than nine out of ten homes are still equipped with a TV at home. Precisely, 90.9% of households against 98% ten years ago.

In fact, it is therefore a drop, but television remains the number one screen for the French, ahead of computers, smartphones and tablets. However, the momentum is currently on the side of smartphones: the household equipment rate has increased by 4 points in 3 years, while it is stagnating for computers and falling slightly for TV and tablets. According to Arcom, the households that tend to equip themselves less with a television set are one-person households, young people, CSP+ and city dwellers.

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