are the Russians abandoning Kherson?




Article written by

M. Burgot, E. Delevoye, H. Horoks, D. Padalka, V. Hryshko – France 2

France Televisions

While Ukrainian troops are slowly gaining ground to retake Kherson, they do not believe in a voluntary withdrawal of Kremlin soldiers.

A war within the war in Ukraine. That of electricity and water. Moscow (Russia) targets these infrastructures. Saturday evening, November 5, more than 4 million inhabitants of kyiv (Ukraine) found themselves in the dark. Another targeted area, south of the city of Kherson (Ukraine)still occupied by the Russian army, despite pressure from Ukrainian troops. “It is a strategic and symbolic city. It is the only major metropolis taken by the Russians since the beginning of this war. If the Ukrainians took over this city, it would be a new turning point. So, for the At the moment, the Ukrainian forces on the front closest to people are still 25 kilometers from this city and according to the commanders with whom we have been speaking in recent days, their Ukrainian forces are advancing but slowly, 500 meters per day on average”explains Maryse Burgot, live from Kryvyï Rih (Ukraine).

Do not say where they are, do not give the name of their brigade. On the front of Kherson, artillerymen accept the presence of France Televisions on these only conditions. Eight months of fighting in canals overflowing with ammunition. Eight months trying to retake the city of Kherson from the Russians. So the scenario that their enemies are abandoning this city without a fight, they don’t believe it.

Are Kremlin forces leaving Kherson? Photos show boats sunk or burned by the Russians. This would be to prevent the Ukrainians from pursuing them. False information according to the soldiers we follow, propaganda they say, propagated by their enemies: “It’s a trick, it’s a trap. They’re just pretending to leave.” The commander speaks of the bitterness of the combats and the heavy losses rather than a supposed withdrawal of the Russians. He confirms that his troops are gaining ground in these plains of the Kherson region, but very slowly.

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