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The attack on a nurse and a medical secretary at the Reims hospital (Marne) raises questions about the safety of caregivers, when the services are often overwhelmed and threats abound. Are assaults frequent? Response elements.
They are on the front line against attacks. VSvery day, carers are victims of violence in their workplace at thehospital. In 2021, 19,328 procedures were recorded, half of which For physical violence. It was during the Covid period, the passages were SO less numerousx, which explains Idown from thex 23,000 identified cases in 2019. But these acts are largely underestimated, because onlyis lying 10% of hospitals report them. THE personal most affected are those working in psychiatry with 22%, then EPHAD with 12.5%, and finally emergencies with 12.3%.
37% of professionals say they have been victims of violence in the past year
In 90% of cases, it is patients or caregivers who are the perpetrators of the violence. They judge the care insufficient, get carried away because of a refusal of care, or find the waiting time too long. “We went from insults to thrown projectiles, it’s a real difficulty to manage”, underlines Thierry Amouroux, spokesperson for the SNPI CFE-CGC union. Last year, 37% of healthcare professionals say they have been victimss of violence.