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During Easter, a market of more than 200 million euros is active throughout France: that of chocolate. Are the French big consumers compared to other countries? What are their preferences? Answers in figures.
Easter is more than ever chocolate season, a market worth 205 million euros. In France, nearly 6% of sales for the year are made during this religious holiday. The average basket of a French rises during Easter to 19.31 euros. 70% of sales are made in supermarkets, and 30% in retailers.
France treats itself to a three-day gourmet weekend, during which 14,748 tonnes of chocolate are devoured, or 57 kilos of chocolate per second. The rest of the year, on the list of the biggest eaters, France only ranks sixth in the world, with 7.3 kg devoured per year and per inhabitant. France is far from Germany, Switzerland and Estonia, which share the podium. The French, on the other hand, stand out for their clear preference for dark chocolate, unlike all their European neighbors, who lean more towards milk.
Market sources, average basket, sales: Syndicat du chocolat
Consumption per second at Easter: Planetoscope statistics
Conso prize list: Statista for the Syndicat du chocolat (2020)
Preferably black, milk or white
Non-exhaustive list.