are the expectations of National Education met?



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Guest of 11 p.m. from franceinfo, Fabienne Serina-Karsky, lecturer at the Catholic Institute of Paris, reacts to the announcement of the state budget, which allocates new funds to National Education. Good news, she says.

After the announcement of the state budget by Bercy on Monday August 8, Fabienne Serina-Karsky, lecturer and vice-dean of the Catholic Institute of Paris, is delighted with the increase in the envelope allocated to the ministries of National Education and Higher Education. “Of course, it’s a budget that won’t allow all the difficulties to be solved […]. On the other hand, it is a signal to say that we are going to do something“, she believes, referring to the salary of young teachers or the working conditions of those accompanying students with disabilities (AESH).

Emmanuel Macron had promised that no teacher would be paid less than 2,000 euros net per month – a commitment which has not yet been honoured. “The teaching profession is unloved in France, poorly regarded, and something must be done“, regrets Fabienne Serina-Karsky. These increases could help to restore the attractiveness of the teaching profession that it has lost in recent years, even if “it is a much more general problem that the school is going through today“.

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