are marabouts often called by footballers?

The Paul Pogba affair has been swelling for a few weeks due to the statements of the footballer’s big brother, Mathias. We are talking about extortion, but also and above all about maraboutage. Rumors report that the Blue would have used occult forces to cast a spell on another player of the France team, with whom he is in competition, Kylian Mbappé. On September 2, the Parisian wonders about this practice, which is said to be commonplace among “superstitious” and the “young footballers of African origin”.

Beware of scams

Claude Le Roy, coach of many African countries during his career, from Cameroon to Senegal via Ghana or Togo, also specifies to our colleagues that this “is not really new“. He indeed assures: “these are local beliefs and customs that must be respected”. And compare: “in France, some go to see shrinks when they have problems. They turn to that“. The coach assures however: “my only limit is that it must not interfere with my work as a coach”.

>> See also: Disturbing disappearance of Zulay, the companion of footballer Paul Pogba: what happens to him?

Because Claude Le Roy has experienced some crazy situations… He says he once had to warn one of his players, who was being scammed by an impostor. He had been offered for money to “making him the team’s top scorer. He was a defender“, reports the professional.

“Small prayers, a lucky charm or exchanges with the marabout

A belief that remains generally harmless according to this report. An agent in charge of Ivorian and Senegalese players explains as follows: “You shouldn’t imagine crazy things. It will most often be little prayers, a lucky charm or exchanges with the marabout“.

Finally, Claude Le Roy quips about a possible phobia of the evil eye, witchcraft, voodoo, or fetishism: “If the marabouts were so powerful, it would have been a long time since an African country had won the World Cup” !


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