Are local residents too exposed to pesticides?


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

V. Roussel, L. Bignalet, N. Pressigout, C. Berge – France 3

France Televisions

The NGO “Future Generations” has just published a new study according to which local residents are still highly exposed to pesticides. The organization calls for the prohibition of certain products and the widening of safety distances with homes.

For seven years, a couple has lived five meters from a vineyard. Regularly, they see the vines being sprayed with pesticides. With each spreading, they no longer dare to stay outside. “We try to close, that’s obvious, and ourselves, either we stay inside and we wait for it to pass, or we try to go elsewhere”, says Walter Acchiardi, living in Libourne (Gironde). A sensor was placed in their garden to measure the amount of pesticides. 11 different products were detected, some of which are dangerous in very large quantities.

The winegrowers believe that they have already made a lot of efforts

“Me, it’s anger because it’s been years, years that it’s been discussed on this”, laments Walter. In Gironde, four other sensors were placed by environmental activists, in particular in a nursery school courtyard located 50 m from the vines. Eight pesticides were found, including one particularly dangerous. The results raised concerns among residents. But the winegrowers believe they have already made a lot of effort.

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