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Brussels plans to affix the label of “green energies” to them, which would encourage investment in these energies and make it possible to achieve carbon neutrality.
Gas and nuclear power plants, good for the climate? It is a very controversial decision that the European Commission is about to adopt. It proposes to classify gas and nuclear power as energies working on climate transition, a position defended by France. “We need all carbon-free energies to fight against global warming”, argues Pascal Canfin, chairman of the Environment committee in the European Parliament.
Thanks to this label, investors would be encouraged to invest their money in gas and nuclear power. But some anti-nuclear countries, such as Germany, Austria or Luxembourg, make their voices heard, and denounce a “provocation”. “We cannot say that nuclear is a sustainable energy. Let’s not invest money in new nuclear follies”, announces Damien Carème, MEP. For the measure to be abandoned, 20 countries would have to oppose it.