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Thursday, May 5, while pension reform was a major topic of the presidential campaign, seniors are worried about whether they will be able to work until they are 65.
At 58, Christine Blandin-Scié has been looking for a job as an administrative and financial manager since 2018. “Most of the time, they don’t respond. In four years, I found a position for six months”, she says. Some don’t want to hire her for fear that she will soon retire. “We are ready to work until 65, but does the company want us to work until 65?”she asks herself.
According to the Dares (Direction of the coordination of research, studies and statistics), 56.1% of seniors work in France. Franck Sempastous has found work at 58 and is in training to become a center-auto director. The company considers that recruiting a senior is an asset. “She is a person who has evolved a lot, has changed jobs a lot (…) and therefore inevitably she has developed a real adaptability”explains Nathalie Breton, director of human resources at Feu Vert.