Are all men rapists?

I don’t know about you, but me, as soon as a book that criticizes wokism comes out, I hasten to buy it.

Especially if he’s funny.

When I heard that French writer Frédéric Beigbeder had just published an essay on gender relations during the #MeToo era, I rushed to the nearest bookstore.

To see what he had to say about little rabbits’ public enemy number one: the heterosexual male over 50.

Also known as “uncle”.

Throw the baby out with the bathwater

For those who don’t know Beigbeder, let’s say he’s a happy party animal.

In fact, he WAS a merry party animal, because now the Casanova of 6e arrondissement left Paris to settle in the countryside and watch its carrots grow.

But before, the man was getting laid with anything that wore a petticoat.

He was drinking, snorting, cruising and sleeping. In order and disorder.

Especially if the girl was between 18 and 25 years old.

In his latest book, Confessions of a Slightly Overwhelmed Heterosexualthe author of the cult novel 99 Francs deplores the fact that in the area of ​​gender relations, the baby has been thrown out with the bathwater.

Of course you have to fight the predators! Of course we must denounce the mononcles with wandering hands, that makes sense!

But should we go so far as to transform seduction into a crime? And confuse “heavy flirting” and “sexual assault”?

The first part of Beigbeder’s book made me smile. I found his charge against ambient puritanism refreshing.

But the second made me cringe.

I read it, and said to myself: “With friends like Frédéric Beigbeder, heterosexual males don’t need enemies! The guy makes us all look like potential rapists.”

All jackals?

Here are some excerpts from the book:

  • “Don’t think heterosexuals think about anything but sex; we’re just pretending. If I realized my wish, I would be all the time naked in the street rubbing myself on strangers like a poodle.
  • “We are all jackals. The jackal never lets go of its prey before it has eaten it. The jackal is always hungry. The jackal waits all night if necessary.”
  • “Man is a fucking machine. A potential criminal. […] If there was nothing to limit us, we would get sucked off all day by women. […] When you are not touched, it is only because the law forbids it.
  • “It’s the fear of prison that keeps men from sexually assaulting any woman they like. It is a daily miracle that so many women are not victims of sexual assault.”



I’m a fit heterosexual who still has pencil lead despite my gray hair.

And I don’t think it’s the fear of prison that keeps me from raping every woman I meet. And to “grain” in the bars.

Human beings are animals, but some are dumber than others, you have to believe…


Who would have said one day that “signalling” would be a dangerous job? It is however the case.

In a world where people have less and less patience and are more and more on edge, asking motorists to stop for a few moments, the time to let a construction truck pass, is risky.

The assaults suffered by flaggers speak volumes about our time. Driving fast is now perceived as a fundamental right, and any interruption of traffic as an attack by the system against the individual!

Let’s breathe through our noses, good God!


Thus, the caquiste deputy Joëlle Boutin decided to resign because she is disappointed not to have been appointed minister.

His “reign” only lasted nine months, that’s all.

It will now be necessary to organize a by-election in Jean-Talon at a cost of $585,000.

And I who thought that we got into politics to serve the state…

That said, we can understand Ms. Boutin’s frustrations. Not being appointed minister is one thing. But to see that the PM dismisses you in favor of Éric Caire must be insulting!

You must be thinking to yourself, “Why does the chief keep sending this pee-wee on the ice when he’s skating on the boot?”


The Mouvement Desjardins wants Ottawa to “open the floodgates” of immigration to counterbalance the aging of the population.

And these hundreds of thousands of new arrivals, where are we going to house them? What schools will their children be sent to? And what about the healthcare system, which is already struggling to meet demand?

We believe that immigration will solve all our problems. However, “opening the floodgates” of immigration risks, on the contrary, accentuating them.

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