are a quarter of French people “already dead at 62”, as Anne Hidalgo asserts?

The socialist candidate for the presidential election, opposed to a decline in the retirement age to 65, justified her position by explaining in particular that a quarter of French people were already no longer alive at 62. It’s wrong.

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“We are told that we will have to extend the retirement age. I would like to point out that there is a quarter of French people who are already dead at 62”, protested the socialist presidential candidate Anne Hidalgo, questioned Thursday March 10 on France Inter, while Emmanuel Macron wants to gradually push back the legal retirement age to 65 years. But the socialist is wrong.

What the INSEE figures show is that a quarter of the poorest 5% of French people have already died by the age of 62, and not a quarter of all French people, as the says Anne Hidalgo. Moreover, this is only about men, because women live longer. What the INSEE mortality tables show us is that the poorer you are, the less likely you are to live a long time. At 62, barely 5% of the richest French people have already died… compared to 25% of the poorest 5%.

Concerning all French people, at the current retirement age set at 62, 12% of men have already died, and 6% of women.

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