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A new tool could help the French to make their choice for the presidential election. An application makes it possible to know which candidate a citizen is closest to, by answering several questions. The objective is to encourage young people to find their way back to the polling stations.
On the tablets of three Parisian students, it is not the very last dating application, but a political application that appears. Called Elyze, it submits to the user the proposals of the presidential candidates. Slide to the right when he agrees, to the left when he disapproves. After 25 proposals, the application proposes a ranking of the candidates with which the user agrees the most. “It’s still politics, but the approach is simple, it’s a good idea”, indicates Geoffroy, student in life and earth sciences in Paris. Behind this application, downloaded more than 300,000 times in a week, hide two business school students, aged 19 and 22. Despite the past of former collaborator of one of the two creators, they promise it: they do not roll for any candidate. “The objective is to help young people to make a choice”, says Grégoire Cazcarra.
Getting young people interested in politics is also the goal of Léa Chamboncel, founder of a podcast on the place of women in the political sphere. “Young people have much more political behavior than their elders”, underlines the journalist. Politicians intend to invest this space, like Sandrine Rousseau, guest of the podcast, who believes that young people are a “audience difficult to reach through traditional political forums”. We must also succeed in mobilizing them. Almost 60% of 18-24 year olds are not sure of going to vote in the next presidential election.