apprentice fishermen take possession of the Ardèche


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On the banks of the Ardèche, young fishermen cast their line. Between learning techniques and discovering wildlife, children no longer know where to turn.

On the banks of the Ardèche, many apprentice fishermen practice. Alongside professional instructors, 45 students learn to fish. For the most part, the passion was born very early, in the family. In the group of 8/12 years, only one girl. She came out of curiosity after a successful experience in dip net fishing. Between different exercises to learn the techniques, the children can meet the local fauna.

With 5,000 km of rivers, the Ardèche is one of the top fishing spots in France. The territory is still preserved, but fragile. Here, all fish caught are released. This relationship with nature particularly appeals to Eliam, 13: “We find something that we don’t have in other activities.” The season will continue until September. Every year, 25,000 fishermen cast their line in the Ardèche.

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