Apple wants to increase the functionality of Apple CarPlay

Offered by all manufacturers today, Apple CarPlay has become a must and allows the intuitive integration of iPhones into vehicle infotainment systems. Seven years after its launch, Apple now wants to expand its functionality.

Charles René

Charles René

According to Bloomberg, the tech colossus is working on a project called “IronHeart” internally, which seeks to provide access “to the heating / air conditioning system, the speedometer, the radio and the control of the vehicle. seat adjustment ”.

This would prevent the driver from leaving Apple CarPlay to navigate the infotainment system menus. With the data collected, Apple could also develop additional applications.

However, the American giant risks running up against car manufacturers in this quest. Reluctant to share certain technologies to avoid losing competitive advantages, they will no doubt not want to unconditionally give the keys to their technological vaults. Apple’s immense weight in the smartphone world is nonetheless an important factor.

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