Apple in conflict with his family: these reproaches that his brothers and sisters made to him

At 26, Pomme returns to the front of the stage with a third album Consolation. On the strength of her two Victoires de la Musique, but still plagued by doubts and existential questions, the young artist has poured herself out on her work, intimately linked to her intimacy since she feeds on it to create. This is how her relationship with her family reflects on the singer-songwriter that she is.

After the beautiful record Loopholes, Pomme, real name Claire Pommet, released an album inspired by many women who mattered in his life, real or fictitious, rubbed shoulders or not. Among these is her mother, whom she talks about in the title In my dreams. with this sentence heavy with meaning in particular: “I wanted to be like you then I hated you“: “I admired her, but she was very Christian and this religion was reticent towards lesbians or gays, and I said to myself ‘if my mother rejects me, it is not possible to love her’. She’s smart, she’ll understand that part of a song“, she confided to AFP.

In this song, as in another, Gardenwe feel that her childhood was not always easy, which she confirms to AFP: “I was very melancholy, sad, a child quite difficult to understand, I didn’t feel like I was in the right family, for example. (…) When I discovered that I liked girls, I understood that that’s why I felt like an anomaly before, that I didn’t feel like my girlfriends.”

In the columns of Teleramahis relationship with his family is also revealed. “Her brothers and sisters sometimes criticize her for ‘looking too harshly’ on the world, on their childhood, on their parents, especially when she talks in the media about the path taken to fully live her homosexuality.“, writes the magazine which signs a fascinating portrait of the singer. This explains that everything is a question of point of view, because each member of a sibling has a different feeling of his childhood, a question which fascinates him. magazine also specifies that the relationships that may have been difficult are now pacified.

Moreover, she thanks her mother for having introduced her children to the cartoons of the Japanese master Hayao Miyazaki and for having introduced her to Chihiro, mentioned in the piece. River. The singer Barbara or the writer Nelly Arcan are also in her disc, respectively in B and nelly. An album full of references, personal or artistic, illustrated by the whimsical Claude Ponti, cult author of children’s literature. At peace with his family, Apple now lives in Canada, in Montreal precisely with his wife, the Quebec singer Safia Nolin, whom she has known since 2016.

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