Video length: 2 min
Europe: Apple finally ordered to pay record fines
Europe: Apple finally ordered to pay record fines
(France 2)
The European Court of Justice has ruled that Apple should repay 13 billion euros in back taxes to Ireland for having benefited from advantages.
The Court of Justice of the European Union ruled on Tuesday, September 10. Apple will have to repay 13 billion euros to Ireland. The case dates back to 2016. Brussels had then ordered a reimbursement of 13 billion euros to Ireland. At issue was a tax reduction then considered to be illegal state aid. Between 2003 and 2014, Apple repatriated its revenues to Europe in the country in order to take advantage of its advantageous tax system.
Over the years, the decision would be overturned several times before being finally ratified. “This is a great victory for European citizens,” but also “a victory for a level playing field and tax justice”rejoiced Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager.
Judgment of the Court of Justice in case C-465/20: “Tax rulings: the Court annuls the judgment of the General Court concerning the tax rulings adopted by Ireland in favour of Apple”
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