Apolline de Malherbe on the verge of giggles on the air: a naughty reference in question…

We prefer to see her like that, hilarious and smiling! Indeed, far from the tense pass of arms that the RMC host had known with the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin last February, Apolline de Malherbe this time reacted on Twitter with a funny scene which almost drove her into a real fit of laughter…

It was at 8:26 a.m. precisely, as the 41-year-old journalist indicated, that the RMC antenna hung up after inviting two listeners to speak. Only here, by thanking her two listeners Jacquie and Michel, Apolline de Malherbe realizes that she has just referred to the famous slogan of the company specializing in porn! It was enough for the naughty reference to amuse the presenter who then tries to continue, announcing her guest, with a chuckle: “Thank you Jacquie and Michel for speaking on RMC [rire] … In a moment it’s Christopher Castaner my guest, a macronist from the start, I would of course ask him about abstention…

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