Apolline de Malherbe moved by a moving testimony live

Since 2013, Apolline de Malherbe has been one of the voices of RMC radio. In “Apolline Matin”, the program broadcast simultaneously on RMC Story, the journalist returns to the news while interacting with listeners. This Friday, May 6, 2022, she thus looked into the question of retirement pensions, a stormy subject on which President Emmanuel Macron made several promises during his electoral campaign.

Apolline de Malherbe spoke with Chantal, a 70-year-old retiree in a complicated financial situation. “I don’t earn a lot of money… I only get 800 euros and I only have 50 euros to live on each month. I’ve worked all my life, I don’t understand people who complain. I can’t I don’t have to pay for everything, I don’t leave my house anymore because I can’t afford it, do you think it’s viable?” she asserted.

Macron, that asshole”
“No, it’s not a life, it’s not possible,” replied the 41-year-old journalist, visibly touched by the testimony of the listener. “I was supposed to earn 1,200 euros and I only get 800 euros, I don’t know why! Go ask Macron, that asshole with his cinema!” continued the annoyed pensioner. “I have to sell my house to pay a loan of €400. Do you think it’s a life? Macron does nothing for us! He wants me to die!” she hammered.

“You have this energy of despair, you fight with words. I would like to come join you to take you in my arms…” then declared Apolline de Malherbe very moved. “Sometimes I want to die… I’m going to sell my house, I’m going to find myself on the street” then revealed Chantal. And the journalist to answer “You are not alone, do not give up!”. A moving and representative exchange of the situation of many French people, which has toured social networks.

See also:

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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