Apolline de Malherbe exasperated by Jean Lassalle: tense exchange live!

Trying somehow to get answers from Jean Lassalle on his program and his proposals for the French on various subjects such as purchasing power, Apolline de Malherbe hardly got much. It must be said that the candidate, who has maintained a false suspense on a possible withdrawal of his candidacy, repeats at will that President Emmanuel Macron will be re-elected during the presidential election. And he accuses the media of having worked, in part, in this, because of “all the support he has“. And Jean Lassalle to quote several powerful businessmen and media…

This campaign is rotten, for once not by the politicians since we knew they were filthy cowardly, and I’m part of it because I’ve been in politics for a long time, but we didn’t know that the journalists were just as much!“, he tackled, exasperating Apolline de Malherbe, who pointed out to him that for two hours before she gave the floor to the listeners so that they ask all their questions and bring the debate to life.

As a reminder, the first round of the presidential election will take place on Sunday April 10, 2022. For the moment, all recent polls announce the qualification of Emmanuel Macron in the second round against Marine Le Pen. But Jean-Luc Mélenchon, now firmly in third place, could create a surprise. Case to follow!

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