Anya Taylor-Joy sublime doll: 100% Dior look, the sexy and chic actress in front of elegant Ralph Fiennes

Definitely, Anya Taylor-Joy will have given everything she could in terms of looks to convince her fans to go see her new film, The menu, in theaters November 23! Invited to a show in New York this Monday, November 14, the young woman first arrived in a bright scarlet red outfit. And beware: from head to toe!

Indeed, the young actress of 26 years, who had made herself known in the films Split and Glass before experiencing huge success in the playoffs The Ladies Game and Peaky Blinders, had chosen a light red dress, paired with tights of the same color that highlighted her long legs. On her feet, red pumps, and on her shoulders, a long leather coat… red, of course!

Radiant, the young woman had left her light blond hair loose on her shoulders, for a very sexy look that capsized the photographers present. A few hours later, still in New York, the young woman found the rest of the cast for a beautiful preview. But not at all with the same outfit!

Indeed, from red, the actress had gone to black and had chosen a short Dior lace dress, matched with gloves and perfectly suited to her diaphanous skin. This time, the young woman was less natural: her burgundy lipstick and her hair, gathered in a long ponytail, almost made her look like a doll and formed a magnificent ensemble.

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