Antwerp Tournament | Félix Auger-Aliassime triumphs again

Gone are the days when Félix Auger-Aliassime struggled to win a final. Imperturbable, the Quebecer won his second title in two weeks, Sunday, beating American Sebastian Korda in two sets of 6-3 and 6-4 at the Antwerp tournament.

Posted at 11:36 a.m.

Katherine Harvey Pinard

Katherine Harvey Pinard
The Press

Everything was there for Auger-Aliassime: speed, execution, precision.

From the first service game, the 22-year-old athlete showed that he was in great shape by scoring three aces in quick succession. However, he had a cunning young Korda in front of him, who excels at changing the direction of the ball. We quickly understood that the match would be played on details, small errors.


Sebastian Korda

With FAA leading 3-2 in the first set, Korda missed positioning, delivering a break point on a silver platter. The Quebecer took advantage of it. ” Come on ! he exclaimed.

Between the two rounds, the American received treatment on his right shoulder. His discomfort seemed to hurt him for the rest of the game. For his part, Auger-Aliassime was in full control of his means. Explosive and fast, he adapted to his opponent’s game and refused to give up a single point.

At 2-2 in the second set, FAA completed its second break of service. His opponent had a boost of energy afterwards, but nothing to destabilize the Quebec sensation and prevent him from winning his third career title.

More details to come.

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