Antonio Serra’s “Stay Alive Until the End”

What document offers us the XO editions! As much to say it to you one trembles on each page of “Stay alive until the end”, the book of Antonio Sena. A Brazilian pilot who crashed in the middle of the Amazon rainforest and who survived alone for 36 days before being saved.

On January 28, 2021, this pilot was on a flight to refuel a gold mine when his engine failed while he was in the middle of nowhere, above the green hell. He mobilizes all his knowledge and succeeds in asking it. He will extract himself in extremis before his cessna catches fire. He is alive and miraculously he has no serious injuries. But he realizes that he has landed in the wildest part of the forest and that he hasn’t been able to save much from the cabin. And especially thatno human presence surround it and only stories of missing pilots in the Amazon there are plenty of them. And obviously where it is it does not pick up at all. He is far from everything. There are even chances that this territory has never been trodden by man.

And as if there was a need to add more, the rainy season begins and downpours fell from the second day on our survivor. He is terrified by the sounds of the forest at night and hopes that help will be sent to try to locate him.

But that’s not the case at all. On the sixth day, Antonio Sena decides to move. He then thinks of his family, gradually regains hope, observes nature and leaves into the unknown. He will learn from the monkeys because he will eat the same thing as them, get stung by ants, is very afraid of meeting a jaguar. For his survival, he relies on his flashlight, his Swiss army knife and his lighter.

This book is a magnificent thriller, we are immersed in the head of Sena who tries not to lose hope, finds her lost liver and realizes the importance of preserving this forest once he’s been saved, but I’m not telling you how. You will follow the nuts for this.

“Stay alive until the end” is captivating. I, for example, stayed awake all night to finish it.

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