Antoine hit the jackpot thanks to Atol advertisements: he reveals what he did with his fees

If money remains a taboo for some, it is not the case for Antoine. The 77-year-old singer-songwriter has poured out his finances, at the microphone of Jordan de Luxe on November 30. At retirement, he confided to touch each month a nice sum of 2000 euros, to which is added “1300, 1400 euros from the Sacem mutual. I do not have the copyright themselves”. “I don’t have to cry, it’s a happy retirement that I wish everyone”, he confided. According to Jordan de Luxe, the interpreter of Antoine’s Rantings would have touched around 1 million euros during its collaboration with Atol opticians.

You told me that you get € 0.30 on each pair of glasses sold “, the host remembered. “I made a little inquiries, we are around 1 million euros on Atol”. And his guest to correct it: “JI may have exaggerated a little, it should not be € 0.30, but € 0.03. ”

Before continuing.I think during the Atol years, I had to earn 10,000 euros per month, roughly but not more. The story is very surprising: I was on my boat, I receive a satellite phone call and I am asked if I want to shoot a little commercial for the optical technicians. I replied: ‘Why not’. I didn’t think it was going to last 12 years ”.

The navigator, who is still arrested in the street today thanks to these mythical advertising spots, remembers this “extraordinary adventure”. “It was very funny. And financially, it paid for three years of high schools for my two sons and my daughter … But no relation with the comedians Chevallier and Laspalès with the advertising for Matmut for example. But I have nothing to complain about at all.

Pierre Antoine Muraccioli said Antoine is known for his hits Take me home, Excuse me M’sieur Antoine or Hello hi and Touch not the sea. He found success in the 1960s. Travel lover, he traveled the world by boat. From 1999 to 2011, he was the star of Atol commercials.

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