Antoine Griezmann is 31 years old: beautiful message from his wife and huge cake at Clairefontaine!

Antoine Griezmann is currently going through a good period, whether at club Atletico Madrid with which he has just eliminated Cristiano Ronaldo’s Manchester United, as with the French team which is already qualified for the next Cup of the World in Qatar. A prosperous period for the 2018 world champion who was able to take advantage of a somewhat special birthday yesterday since he had to go to France to answer the call from coach Didier Deschamps who obviously called him with Blues.

A situation that obviously did not please his wife very much, Erika Choperena, who would have liked to take advantage of his lover for this special day, but unfortunately he had to leave Madrid for Paris. On her Instagram account, the 32-year-old Spanish beauty expressed her disappointment in a very cute way. In the photo, we see her hugging her lover as hard as possible just before having to leave him. “When I crush you so that you don’t go away…”, she wrote in the commentary of the photo. A great way to show all his attachment to the father of his three children. “Happy birthday to this beautiful kid. Companion of moments in particular and of life in general. I love you”she concludes her beautiful message to which the Frenchman replied with two red hearts.

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